Dynamic Avada content from ACF Options page
When using Advanced Custom Fields with Avada, you might get lost figuring out how to pull dynamic content from your global options page.
Avada won’t pull global ACF data in the same way it does with on-page custom fields.
Using ‘Shortcode’ for the dynamic content
When selecting dynamic content in Avada’s Live Editor, you can pick Shortcode, it is under the category labeled Other.
Here’s the shortcode you will need to retrieve your global ACF options data.
Notice the use of options
as the post_id
The shortcode above is will work anywhere on your site. For Avada in particular, you can use it as Dynamic content in the editor.
Here’s where it came handy for us. Using dynamic content from the options page, to assign a global phone number to a website.
In this case we made the button link to place a call too, by using tel:
before the content.
This saved time as the phone number was bound to change later on. With a simple option, we could control content in Avada sitewide.

Avada Live Editor Dynamic Options